Monday, 6 January 2014

Honoring the Teachers!

Celebrating Teachers Day in Kannagi Nagar!
The teachers who were instrumental in enabling these deprived children deserves much more!!!

IRCDUC takes efforts to erase the STIGMA

Kannagi Nagar is also known for Students who aspire to excel in life! 
Who said we are a "crime-prone" area?

Facilitating Shared Learning Initiatives - Urban Homeless Communities and Activists visits Delhi and Chennai

IRCDUC facilitates Shared Learning Initiatives along with Housing and Land Rights Network -  The Representatives from the Urban Homeless Communities along with Activists from Chennai visited Delhi and the the Delhi team had visited Chennai.

IRCDUC Researcher Trains Officials from Afganisthan

IRCDUC Researcher was one of the Resource Person in the "Training Program on Civil Participation and Community Development" organized by JICA Team Lead by T. & Associates Inc., Japan along with the Department of Planning, School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University, Chennai