Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Chennai Corporation opens 30 Shelters for the Homeless!!!

The Corporation of Chennai is now in the process of operationalising 30 shelters for the urban homeless in Chennai. The Policy Researchers from IRCDUC has been facilitating the process by translating the guidelines of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Tamil and by training the personnel involved in the management of the shelters.

To read the directions and guidelines of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, kindly click here

First step towards ERADICATING "STIGMA" enforced on the DISPLACED & DEPRIVED urban communities

IRCDUC honours 47 children of class 12, 3 children of class 10, their teachers and the principal of the higher secondary school in Kannagi Nagar, for having scored high marks despite the difficult situation that they live in.  One girl child from Kannagi Nagar has scored 1142/1200 and 3 children has scored 100/100 in Tamil, Mathematics and Science. 

The displaced & deprived urban communities who were forced to move to these resettlement locations far from their original place of habitations have been facing untold misery because of the the size of housing that is more like a chicken coop with no space for privacy, loss of livelihood of their parents,  lack of basic amenities and the "stigma" forcefully enforced on them. Many children have dropped out of schools and exposed to multiple vulnerabilities because of these living conditions. 

Kannagi Nagar along with the other resettlement site has been branded as area where there is "high crime rate"... "teenage pregnancies...."child marriage" and various other "anti-social elements"... however... we at IRCDUC seeks to eradicate this negative branding by letting the world know of the existence of young brilliant children who are trying their best to come up in life... and if given opportunities they will rise above the stars.  

We salute the girl children who have been the top scorers in this examination!

We salute the teachers for their never ending support!

We salute the member of the Urban Local Body for now aspiring to provide basic amenities for the site!

Last but certainly not the least we Salute all the Children in Kannagi Nagar who are striving hard to succeed despite living in distress situations!

Our Best Wishes!!!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

CLARION CALL FOR JUSTICE... our own newsletter!!!

IRCDUC wishes to share the first issue of our newsletter - a clarion call for justice.

Click here, to

Kindly write back to us at ircduc.chennai@gmail.com for hard copies of the same.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Community Leaders from Coimbatore and Madurai informed about RAY and JNNURM

IRCDUC along with Transparent Chennai has been instrumental in training Community Leaders and representatives from Civil Society Orgnaisation from the informal settlements of Coimbatore and Madurai on RAY and JNNURM

To know more about the discussions, kindly click here to see the presentation made by Transparent Chennai